Tooth whitening seems to be becoming a national pastime if the number of cosmetic dentists setting up practices and the amount of products on the market is to be considered.
There are many different methods for having tooth whitening, some of which involves actual dental procedures and some of which are products that can be used at home.
More technologically advanced tooth whitening treatments need to be undertaken by a fully qualified cosmetic dentist. Some of these treatments can be very expensive so it might be an idea to shop around before you settle on a practice because prices can vary quite considerably.
One method of tooth whitening is known as teeth bleaching, where a peroxide gel is applied to the teeth. The peroxide helps to break down cavities in the mouth so that oxygen can pass through to the enamel of the teeth, this allows a return of the natural color of the teeth without damaging the tooth's surface.
One application may not be enough to achieve the whiteness that you want so you may have to undertake this procedure more than once. Teeth that have been stained can quickly become stained again if you do not cut back on coffee and soda in particular. The more you can cut these things out of your diet then the more chance you have that the tooth bleaching will not only work but stay as it is for longer.
When this process is undertaken in a dental surgery then the dentist may apply a laser pulse to the gel to help it work more quickly and to greater effect but this procedure can be very expensive. White teeth and a great smile have become such must haves that they now sell these products in kits for people to use at home. This is becoming so prevalent that manufacturers find it hard to keep up with the demand for new teeth whitening treatments and products.
There is now a tooth whitening treatment on the market called the zoom teeth whitening system which promises to give you whiter teeth in half the time. The system takes under two hours to do but you should first consult your dentist because not all these products are suitable for everyone. Again with this system a peroxide gel is first brushed over the teeth then a laser pulse is applied to the gel and the pulses activate the gel's properties. You may have to have a return check up to ensure that the whiteness that you have is what you want.