Thursday, May 8, 2008

Plastic Surgeon Wisely Better the Expected Outcome

If you decide to get plastic surgery, you must understand the risks and side effects associated with each surgery. In addition, you must choose a reputable plastic surgeon, who will give the person the desired results.

Plastic surgery includes cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Reconstructive surgery repairs problems such as burns, removal of cancers and tumors, congenital abnormalities and other deformities.

A cosmetic surgeon can improve a person's cosmetics or appearance. This is an infinite list of possibilities: eyelid surgery, reshaping of the abdomen, breast augmentation, chemical peel, buttock augmentation, rhinoplasty and many other procedures.

Most doctors who are licensed to perform plastic surgery can perform reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. Before undergoing a surgery, make sure you pick a skilled surgeon.

Even if you are considering cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery, you should choose a skilled surgeon with more than six years of surgical training and at least three years in plastic surgery. Training and experience make doctors uniquely qualified to perform cosmetic or reconstructive procedure.

Some may try to find the most expensive physician or most prestigious, yet others look for the least expensive surgeon. No matter what your selection criteria is, research the plastic surgeon. After selecting a plastic surgeon, look at magazines and pictures to determine your desired results. The more you know, the more you can ask during your initial consultation, which will allow you to understand the doctor and ask questions more easily.

* During the Consultation:

Ask plenty of questions. Questions are a time to address some of the uncertainties and fears. Individuals can also learn a lot about the doctor from his reactions and answers. These can serve as good clues to you to determine if a future relationship is appropriate.

Individuals want to work with a doctor that that they have a good relationship with before going into surgery. This will give the individual more confidence in the surgeon's ability to perform the procedure. Don't be afraid to decline a doctor you don't feel comfortable working with.

Never trust anyone but a board certified plastic surgeon to operate on you. You can always check with the American Board of Plastic Surgery for board certified standing of the doctors you are considering. Also, your local hospital should have the certification information also. If your local hospital does not feel that the surgeon is qualified to perform that procedure, neither should you.

A well-respected plastic surgeon should allow the prospective patient to contact former patients who have undergone the same procedures. These are the only ones who can speak to the surgeon's skill and character. Also, most plastic surgeons post tasteful nude before and after pictures on their sites to help prospective patients decide.

Make sure to also work with a surgeon that specializes in the surgery you want conducted. Make sure you check the surgeon's record to make sure he or she does not have any pending malpractice suits or other complaints.

Fees can vary but most are in the same ballpark. If you find one who is exceptionally cheap, you should discredit that doctor from your list of possibles immediately. You want beautiful, natural-looking results with as little complications as possible, and this means you should elect a surgeon who is board certified, in good standing, and has exceptional history with his patients