Breast implants are becoming increasingly popular among women for a variety of reasons. Regardless of the reasoning, individuals should make sure they chose implants that are suitable with their body type.
Many undergo revision augmentation to correct surgery. Others undergo primary reconstruction to replace tissue that has been removed or failed to develop. However, a large number of individuals have augmentation to increase their size or restore a youthful look.
If the individual chooses to get an enhancement, those women should take into account height, weight, bone and muscle structure.
Patients do not want to go too large because this can lead to serious medical complications, resulting in more surgery and recovery time. In addition, if they are too large, they may look unnaturally spherical in shape. The implant's edges may protrude through the skin and may be more easily felt, further making the breasts unrealistic looking.
There are home remedies that patients can do to decide their breast augmentation size choice. Before the surgery, look at pictures or photos to further determine the desired look. Implants tend to be wider than natural tissue, and therefore, it can be difficult to understand how implants would feel before the surgery.
There are professionally designed kits which help with implant sizing. This makes the work for sizing decision easy. Purchase a kit online, place under your clothing, and try them on in front of family or when you go out.
Many women try the rice or oatmeal test to get a feel for their desired size goal. Many women fill a bra of their desired size with Ziploc bags or stockings of rice. They then walk around to see how potential implants could feel. Others perform the activities that they normally would do to see how their desired size would fit into their lifestyle.
In addition, the individual might take their sizers to the doctor and have an open discussion about what size implants should be placed in their body and what the implant should be filled with. Remember that silicon weigh more than saline.
After choosing the appropriate size and undergoing the surgery, the patient may look different than originally anticipated. The individual's breasts will drop and settle before she gets a clear idea of the actual size.
In addition, the area around the area will swell after the surgery, causing the breasts to look larger. After the swelling subsides, the breasts may shrink and many may be disappointed with the real size, even though it is the actual calculated size. Also, tissue atrophy may take place within the first year of having surgery, which may further decrease the size.
It is important to choose sizes that work well with the individual's body structure. It is also important to choose a reputable doctor that has at least five years experience in plastic surgery. All patients should also follow the doctor's instructions during the recovery period to make sure the patient's breasts are transformed into something that compliments the body.By: Abigail Aaronson